Dear Parents,

I was recently invited by Meta Singapore to attend an Uplift event. It is an event by the tech leaders- Grab, Meta and Google to inspire talent and build community around tech professionals in Singapore.
I was there, not just because I wanted to check out our students’ potential future workplace, but I wanted to hear more from the industry leaders on what they see at the top.
We have a major shortage of technology professionals here in Singapore.
Out of the 60,000 tech jobs/year needed to support the growing technology sector, only about 9,000 tech graduates are supplied each year. No wonder our universities are doubling their tech undergraduates intake!
Grab’s Head of Engineering, who worked his way up for 9 years from an intern to his current position, noted a very interesting piece of advice for students who wanted to get into the tech industry.
He wanted to remind students that it is important to expose themselves to the different technology available and the existence of different programming languages. After which, when they find one technology that truly interests them or one programming language that truly intrigues them, they go deep into it. Breadth first then depth, just like the letter “T”.
With love,
Teacher Deddy
If you are keen to embark your child on an exciting coding journey, do contact us to find out more about our coding classes today !