Dear Parents: Chapter 14- #1 lesson for students in the age of AI


Dear Parents,

In the last few months, we have heard news about Artificial Intelligence (AI) more than before. From social media to social chats, we realise that ChatGPT has been the talk of the town.

In the midst of this transition, I can’t help but ponder how I would guide our students through the change.

What are the skills that are still relevant?

Will coding skills still be necessary?

What is the ONE thing that I want to teach my students and children?

I thought hard, reflected on my own career and entrepreneurial journey and I found the answer.

If there is one subject from my university days that has been truly relevant for me today, it is not programming class because programming language has evolved. It is not an accounting class because we have an accounting system to automate those debits and credits. It is not even entrepreneurship class because what I see in the business world is far from the textbook.

It’s my Ethics & Social Responsibility class. One that is still relevant and even more so in the years to come.

Having worked in MNC with a leader who coerced to “massage” financial numbers to investors with questionable sources of funds promising growth and expansion, in those ethical dilemmas, I heard my ethics professor’s voice “You’ll always have a choice” and I stood my ground, held on to my ethics.

“Teacher Deddy, ChatGPT is my best friend!” a student exclaimed in class.

“Oh wow, your best friend? Why?” I was genuinely surprised.

“Because it helps me do my entire essay homework!”

“Oh I see! If ChatGPT does homework for you, how will you handle your test?” The thing about students is the more you tell them not to do something, the more they would do it, so I questioned instead.

There was a long pause so I knew he was lost for words so I continued, “You’ll always have a choice”.

As the world gets more digital, it is even more important for us to teach our children how technology can be both a boon and a bane. Embrace the boon, educate on the bane.

With love,

Teacher Deddy

If you are keen to embark your child on an exciting coding journey, do contact us to find out more about our coding classes today !